Thursday 18 June 2015

Spacing out days

Hello and assalammualaikum readers,

I hopeful that you have a wonderful days. Whether if you had a bad days you still can think it a good day because every difficulty and sadness experience must be reason behind it. Although that i always faced that since when i was child but i keep set in my mind that not only one who feel it in this world.

Many people faced more hardship in their life like no parents, hunger, poor, trauma, sickness and others but they still can faced it with positively because they know that is opportunity for them to go the next level of life.

  "spread your love for whom needed"

Yup, like a games, every chapter had a request and challenge need to faced to go the next level or highest level. If you still does not pass the requirement, you will be faced it again and again until you learned it.
Although we feel tired, but it all worth. You can be the person who like diamond in rough but if you want it. 

 "if you won't love your work, your work doesn't love you"

For me, sometimes i feel disappointed, anger and blame others because the hardship I've get. Well, I just a normal person. Sometime that I cannot control my anger stressful feeling in my life. Well, I life in rough atmosphere after my family  transfer to a another places which is quite different atmosphere rather my birth place.

"do what your love to do as long as a good things"

But, i always keep telling on myself stop find its others fault but keep learn and thankful for anything God given to me. I still can breath and have a perfect body to walking to see the beautiful nature and my surrounding. I am not really alone actually. It's only in my mind set.  Just remember that everything happens must be have the reason. Sometimes, we feel this way is good for we want are we feel it's good to us..but actually it does not good to us.. and things that we think not good to us is actually it is good to us :)
i hope everyone does not headache reading my sentence tehehe

That's all for today, thanks for reading >_<