Wednesday 31 December 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Hello readers,
It's almost a three month I didn't updated my blog..
I thought just one month --__--

 (I feel she just like me..but in worst pose :))

well, in the time I write this blog, I was in 2015!!!

 let's get rock!!

my ear like will explode..
feel like celebrate Chinese new year with the blaster rocket
and they play it back my house..
how sweet and nice -___-
really love you guys
I hope the police will be date with you..hahaha :p

sorry for annoying
I still wonder..blurring
what should I write in here..
stress with assignment
and tired..
but I still want to update the blog

these a lot of good, fun, sad, depression, and others
but without those things..
you can't grow up
that experience
that make you become better
success person, independent
and be a winner, who concur the world
and show how strong you are :)

err, did I write somenthing that out of topic?
hm, oky..
new year, new year
I take the quotes from ARIA manga..favorite manga ^_^

This is the beginning
It's a brand new year, a blank canvas
It's up to you to paint it with colors of what this new year holds.

feeling Disney today ^_^

thanks for reading~

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