Wednesday 17 September 2014

What The Fish Wednesday

From the sun until heart still pain deeply's hard to wake up from my nightmare dream..always wishing everything will be okay..i don't know heart really hard to believe..try to accept the reality but it like will not happen..i wake up and fight again..but the luck like running away from me..i don't want to surrender..but the white flag always surrounded me..i don't what i can do..i don't i will be sinkable any minute..any time..any second!!

Dear life, i know that i not good enough to you..i always making mistake, much careless,  pitiful friends, always alone, always thinking what people say, negative feeling, easy to give up, i cannot protect myself..i' am sorry..really-really sorry..but, there something good i want to say..don't worry..Allah always be there!!

just bored :)

Okay, isn't nice the lyrics that i think a few minute ago..haha, ala-ala Taylor Swiff song but in rock version..can you imagine? :)

Yup, life is hard..but human are the one who make it more you know why? Because we are the one who can choose to accept it or ignore it anyway..

Life is such a waste is you put the problem in first place..

Life is such a wonderful if you think it's wonderful..

It' doesn't matter if you fail because fail is better..

Put trust to Allah because Allah love who put trust in Him :)

smile always because you will feel better :)

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