Thursday 14 August 2014

Novel Melayu Best 2014

Assalammualaikum and good evening again...hehe..if i can..i want to stay twenty four hours front my laptop..and my hand type non stop on laptop keypad..I really-really want it!! hope it will accomplish one day in my dream..maybe..hahah

oh, back to topic..the most best novel as I read from early year until now is:

1) Menantu VS Mentua 

2) My Precious Iris

3) Suami Tak Ku Hadap

4) Suamiku Tak Romantik Tapi Autistik

ni semua boleh bagi lima bintang :)

but, it all depends to everyone..maybe for me okay..but maybe not to others..hehehe
aright, thanks for read this entry ;)

Memory Lane

Assalammualaikum and good evening..thanks to God to give us opportunity to still live to..could breath..could eat with a yummy dishes..and have a peace country <3 Love you Malaysia <3

Memory lane..know as the memory of past whether is good or bad memory..well, it doesn't matter whether it be a bad memory..because it was a experience and the most important teach us to bounce back higher to our live! trust me, one day you will see the reason why you get such difficult time! and that time you will smile and feel very thankful to a muslim, I want say to all muslim out there please don't give up! tight your rope! keep pray and always put trust to Allah!! Pray is the most powerful weapon to muslim!!
Him always hear and know what do you, relax and go to pray <3

sorry for bad grammar..and thanks for read :)


Monday 11 August 2014

My other blogs

Assalammualaikum and hello,

I just want to say that I have another blog..but..I cannot log in..that why I make this blog..hahaha..
But, if you interesting to see my other blog..just click this website and you will see my older post. Don't forget to read all my post..keep calm and eat belacan :)

Now listening Yuna 'Mountain"..wait to mountain to fall..wait to mountain to fall  ^_^
Thanks for reading 

My perception on media social

Assalammualaikum and good's already 12.20 am right now in Malaysia. What kind you guys doing right now..sleep? what about in others country.. on the way to school? work?

The technology right now become more complex and of social network such as facebook, instagram, twitter..bla-bla..but did people are become more advance too?..These many news and reports..but there a statistics say  about almost 2 from 10 people in some country having a mental illness because many reason and one of it is advanced in technology..why i related it with media social..because many people too much obsessed..

Almost all teenage spent their time in internet for log in social's good using if it to be better relationship between their family, members and other else. But, it become a criminal if we use these technology to spread a fake news and critics others for our feel good. Where is our manners?  Don't do something without any proof..don't try to release your tension with update something that useless..because it not change everything but you change others perceptions you..also could bring shame to your family!

So, media social is good thing to our life..but if we use it could give bad impact for you..
don't do something by your heart but do something with your mind  :)

I am sorry if I say something bad from that paragraph..peace no war :P