Sunday 30 July 2017

Relaxing music

Assalammualaikum :)

good evening guys, it very long time that I did not updated my blog..
i hope you have a nice day.. :)

  it such beautiful pictures right :) i don' t own such fantastic picture >_< credit to the owner..

By the way, does everyone like piano music? hands up!

Image result for spongebob meme
me,me,me!! (with the sponge bob square pants rotten face)

listening music make me feels better..especially from Makiko Hirohashi ( i hope the spelling is right though >_<)

well, actually..
I always dream one day I know how to play piano, violin, guitar, viola and others music instrument..
Image result for spongebob gif nerve really get exited when see or hearing the piano music video..the guys playing that things really awesome! sometimes I dreaming that I was playing the music with the costume.. >_<
tehehe it just a girl daydream only..hehehe..#girls always be sort of this okay..specially when reading romance novel..I love to listen classic orchestra, sad piano, Disney piano, relaxing and other interesting genre that could give sort of vibe in my mind.

 well just imagine though, how lovely it was when the sun set in the darkest sky, when the flower started blossom in the melting frozen ice  

study had shown that if we heard piano could improve our concentration when we study. also it could give relaxation to our body and mind to more relax and positive feeling.So, if you feel tired, stressed and others etc just open up YouTube and just typing relaxing piano, viola and others instrument. By the way you also can just pick up any type of application such as 4share, cloud and others. Lucky, if the song can be download by the application :) you can hear anywhere without need to be using the WiFi or mobile data.

I would like to show you guys the list of my favorite relaxing music when i want to study, reduce stress or sleeping  tehehehe maybe you know more than i do.
Makiko Hirohashi,  Japanese musician artist..the most favourite music is Disney Piano. For someone who love disney like i do, it is good for you ^_^  its really calm!!

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Meditation relax music, tittle music 3 Hours The Best Relaxing Piano Flute Music Ever. When i hear this music i feel sleepy, its good to people who had insomnia i guess..

Image result for 3 Hours The Best Relaxing Piano Flute Music Ever

Serenity Studio, Long Playlist Of Relaxing Soft Piano Music To Sleep And Study. My favorite when i started to sketch or drawing.
Image result for piano gif

Noah Johnson, The Most Relaxing Classical Music In The Universe. Something i feel like want to hear orchestra music and think that i play some of instruments from that music lol.
Image result for Universe

Steve Book, The Gift Of Light. This music kind of making you feel energetic hmhm like you are in the battle >_< like struggle making drawing or assignment.

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Yoko Shimomura, Somnus (maybe the song quite sad, but still good when i have to concentrate ^_^)

Image result for final fantasy wlop

Well actually lots of the relaxing music that i like..but i think that is enough for a while..i need to started my drawing by the way..sigh..this only on my preference or my taste in the music..i dont know if this music is suitable to your guys or not, its depend on people preference ^_^..all the photo and the the music is not belong to me <3 and you can find the music in the YouTube btw..

Edit: actually this is my draft from long time ago..hmhm i thinking in that time I was still in the Diplomas..i just edit a little bit of my draft..well I hope this could be benefit to others people and what is important that feel enjoyed what i do ^_^
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 hm, really?

If there a re have any problem or misunderstanding you can comment in bellow (who know that I spell the name of the artist in wrong way..) and thanks for reading my blog <3 have a nice day guys~

Thursday 18 June 2015

Spacing out days

Hello and assalammualaikum readers,

I hopeful that you have a wonderful days. Whether if you had a bad days you still can think it a good day because every difficulty and sadness experience must be reason behind it. Although that i always faced that since when i was child but i keep set in my mind that not only one who feel it in this world.

Many people faced more hardship in their life like no parents, hunger, poor, trauma, sickness and others but they still can faced it with positively because they know that is opportunity for them to go the next level of life.

  "spread your love for whom needed"

Yup, like a games, every chapter had a request and challenge need to faced to go the next level or highest level. If you still does not pass the requirement, you will be faced it again and again until you learned it.
Although we feel tired, but it all worth. You can be the person who like diamond in rough but if you want it. 

 "if you won't love your work, your work doesn't love you"

For me, sometimes i feel disappointed, anger and blame others because the hardship I've get. Well, I just a normal person. Sometime that I cannot control my anger stressful feeling in my life. Well, I life in rough atmosphere after my family  transfer to a another places which is quite different atmosphere rather my birth place.

"do what your love to do as long as a good things"

But, i always keep telling on myself stop find its others fault but keep learn and thankful for anything God given to me. I still can breath and have a perfect body to walking to see the beautiful nature and my surrounding. I am not really alone actually. It's only in my mind set.  Just remember that everything happens must be have the reason. Sometimes, we feel this way is good for we want are we feel it's good to us..but actually it does not good to us.. and things that we think not good to us is actually it is good to us :)
i hope everyone does not headache reading my sentence tehehe

That's all for today, thanks for reading >_<

Friday 27 March 2015

Me Time

 it such long time that I doesn't  update my blog..quite busy as always..hehe
I just want to say..I really thankfully that i can spend time only for myself! that lotsa great!! yea, student life..

such a beautiful picture right :)

By the way, I still remember..that lots of bad, childish, awful, heartbroken, teardrops, lonely time that i am alone struggle to keep fighting and move on in my life. i that time i feel the world just turned table and my surrounding pitch black like that time, i just wanted to say enough for everything..but nobody listening me..

But, its all does not stay longer..i find the way back..thankful to God to wake me up..He always listen, hear, and patiently my whisper..i say to myself, why should i feel in this way?..i always had a choice whether to feel it or dismiss's all related with the mind set in yourself..people?..just let they be..we could not change their perception, attitude, belief or so on if they does not want to learn or accept it..we could change what we think..and be yourself..always believe and patiently that you will achieve your dream..but that lotsa of effort and teardrops will be occur..but believe it..nothing impossible!! as long as we do the good things :)

"kebahagiaan itu suatu kesyukuran"

Now, lets listening Impian Kasih by Inteam <3 

thanks for reading :)

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Hello readers,
It's almost a three month I didn't updated my blog..
I thought just one month --__--

 (I feel she just like me..but in worst pose :))

well, in the time I write this blog, I was in 2015!!!

 let's get rock!!

my ear like will explode..
feel like celebrate Chinese new year with the blaster rocket
and they play it back my house..
how sweet and nice -___-
really love you guys
I hope the police will be date with you..hahaha :p

sorry for annoying
I still wonder..blurring
what should I write in here..
stress with assignment
and tired..
but I still want to update the blog

these a lot of good, fun, sad, depression, and others
but without those things..
you can't grow up
that experience
that make you become better
success person, independent
and be a winner, who concur the world
and show how strong you are :)

err, did I write somenthing that out of topic?
hm, oky..
new year, new year
I take the quotes from ARIA manga..favorite manga ^_^

This is the beginning
It's a brand new year, a blank canvas
It's up to you to paint it with colors of what this new year holds.

feeling Disney today ^_^

thanks for reading~

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Mind Map For Public Relation (MKT310)

Assalammualaikum, good evening everyone :)

Right now my mouth open like a lion much tired today..with panda's eye..
anytime my head will landing in my you's about 3 week that i don't have enough sleep..yea..student right?..assignment like a dozen book..huh!

But, just the one assignment from MKT class that i think that a lot of's my favorite assignment from all the miserable assignment that have i have done!

Yes! i like sketching! drawing! oh, i feel like all my miserable gone after finishing my mind map..i love wonderful, assorted, beautiful color from the pen, highlight and other long as a COLOR okay :)

This is example the mind map created by me..very miserable...yup

 Public relation research

 Public relation in business and industry

 Public relation in publicity and media relations

 Public relation in ethics

  Public relation in future and emerging direction

 Introduction in Public Relation

 History of development public relation

 Types of Public Relation (1)

 Types of Public Relation (2)

 Public Relation opinion and persuasion

Roles of Public Relation

Thank you for reading :)

Wednesday 17 September 2014

What The Fish Wednesday

From the sun until heart still pain deeply's hard to wake up from my nightmare dream..always wishing everything will be okay..i don't know heart really hard to believe..try to accept the reality but it like will not happen..i wake up and fight again..but the luck like running away from me..i don't want to surrender..but the white flag always surrounded me..i don't what i can do..i don't i will be sinkable any minute..any time..any second!!

Dear life, i know that i not good enough to you..i always making mistake, much careless,  pitiful friends, always alone, always thinking what people say, negative feeling, easy to give up, i cannot protect myself..i' am sorry..really-really sorry..but, there something good i want to say..don't worry..Allah always be there!!

just bored :)

Okay, isn't nice the lyrics that i think a few minute ago..haha, ala-ala Taylor Swiff song but in rock version..can you imagine? :)

Yup, life is hard..but human are the one who make it more you know why? Because we are the one who can choose to accept it or ignore it anyway..

Life is such a waste is you put the problem in first place..

Life is such a wonderful if you think it's wonderful..

It' doesn't matter if you fail because fail is better..

Put trust to Allah because Allah love who put trust in Him :)

smile always because you will feel better :)

Thursday 14 August 2014

Novel Melayu Best 2014

Assalammualaikum and good evening again...hehe..if i can..i want to stay twenty four hours front my laptop..and my hand type non stop on laptop keypad..I really-really want it!! hope it will accomplish one day in my dream..maybe..hahah

oh, back to topic..the most best novel as I read from early year until now is:

1) Menantu VS Mentua 

2) My Precious Iris

3) Suami Tak Ku Hadap

4) Suamiku Tak Romantik Tapi Autistik

ni semua boleh bagi lima bintang :)

but, it all depends to everyone..maybe for me okay..but maybe not to others..hehehe
aright, thanks for read this entry ;)